Hi All,

I am trying to integrate the census tracts on the google maps base. I
am using the tile mode and have successfully drawn the shape files
over the states of USA. I have some data in an access database that I
need to show to the user when he selects a particular census tract
(the shapes are polygons). However, since its a tile mode that I am
using on google maps, I am unable to understand how do I get the
information from mapserver as to which census tract was selected by
the user? Is there a way mapserver can send me the polygon selected
based on a co-ordinate lying inside the polygon? I know there is a way
by using queries and a querymap for doing this. The query that I am
using is as follows

I am providing a template in my map file that has the tract variables.
However, the result is always the same

"msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s)
found." Is it that mapserver is trying to look for a point feature in
the location specifies by mapxy in the link above? How do I make
mapserver to look for a polygon enclosing this co-ordinate and return
me the result? I am attaching my mapfile also for reference.

    NAME testMap
    SIZE 600 300
    EXTENT -84 37 -75 40
    SHAPEPATH "data"
    IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
    CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "ms_error.txt"


      IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/"
      IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"

        STATUS ON

        NAME "virginia"
        TYPE polygon
        DATA tr51_d00
        DEBUG 5
        TOLERANCE 1000
        TOLERANCEUNITS pixels

        TEMPLATE "bodytemplate.html"
        HEADER "imapheader.html"
        FOOTER "imapfooter.html"

              OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128
              COLOR 153 205 255
           TEMPLATE "pointTemplate.html"        



On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Varun saraf <vsaraf....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> If I provide Mapserver with a point x,y in WGS84 projection (from
> google maps) as a query, can mapserver give me the enclosing polygon
> information (using point-in-polygon method or something else)? If yes,
> how? I have already drawn the polygons on google map using tile mode.
> Can you suggest me a book/doc that helps with querying mapserver?
> Thanks,
> Varun
> On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Steve Lime <steve.l...@dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:
>> Both examples show how to do this. You have to create a query using
>> the coordinate from Google to access MapServer. My example uses the
>> principle to query points but would work for polygons (which are actually
>> easier). You could issue straight MapServer queries:
>>  http://.../cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=query&map=something.map&mapxy=google_x+google_y&qlayer=the_polygons
>> or do a WFS query. Since you're already using straight MapServer the former
>> would probably be easiest.
>> Steve
>>>>> Varun saraf <vsaraf....@gmail.com> 05/02/09 1:34 PM >>>
>> Hi,
>> Thanks a lot Jim and Steve. These are great examples but I am dividing
>> each state of USA into about 1300 polygons and I need a way to find
>> which polygon is selected by the user. I tried building Gpolygons
>> using the polygon data that i have (after converting it into a GML
>> file) but it makes Google damn slow to redraw the polygons on zoom in
>> and zoom out. The tile mode in mapserver is much faster.
>> Now, After I draw the polygon in tile mode using mapserver, Is there a
>> way Mapserver can return to me the specific polygon info (say
>> co-ordinates or any other data in the dbf file relating to that
>> polygon) when I select it on google map? Goggle I believe can give me
>> the exact co-ordinates of the point I clicked. Can mapserver use this
>> point location to find which polygon was selected?
>> Thanks,
>> Varun
>> 2009/5/2 Jim Strevinas <voas_...@hotmail.com>:
>>> A beautiful example that uses the Google Maps API is:
>>> http://www.dyasdesigns.com/geoxml/gmlusa.htm
>>> It makes use of an API plugin called geoxml that can load XML data which can
>>> be produced by
>>> a WFS server. In the source code, a static GML file is used but a google
>>> search shows that it can
>>> connect to a live WFS server using the URL.
>>>> Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 09:28:01 -0500
>>>> From: steve.l...@dnr.state.mn.us
>>>> To: vsaraf....@gmail.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Dynamic data loading using Google maps
>>>> andMapserver
>>>> CC: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
>>>> One way to do that is to construct MapServer queries based on the event
>>>> and submit them using AJAX. This site does just that but with OpenLayers:
>>>> http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/csg/index_copy.html
>>>> Click on the dots and a MapServer query is done behind the scenes. If
>>>> successful
>>>> a little window control is populated, if not, then nothing happens. Simple
>>>> templates
>>>> are used to present the information.
>>>> Steve
>>>> >>> Varun saraf <vsaraf....@gmail.com> 05/01/09 11:54 AM >>>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I just had a look at ImageMap Template on "Output generation"...Can
>>>> this be used on google maps to get information pooped up on a
>>>> mouseover or mouseclick in tile mode? If not, what is it that I can do
>>>> to get a similar result when using Mapserver with google maps?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Varun
>>>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Varun saraf <vsaraf....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > I have successfully drawn layers on of google maps as base using
>>>> > mapserver. However, I am trying to figure out how to get data
>>>> > dynamically displayed on the web page when a user clicks on a certain
>>>> > area. For example, I have divided the entire state of virginia into
>>>> > many sectors (using a polygon shp file). My requirement is that I want
>>>> > data to come up on the map/web page when the user selects a particular
>>>> > sector. I know google provides me with an event api for clicking on
>>>> > the map but how do I pass this event to mapserver so it can send me
>>>> > the label for that sector from the shape file? I need to be able to
>>>> > recognize what sector the user has clicked. Is this possible using
>>>> > just the mapserv cgi script and a map file or a MapScript has to be
>>>> > written/used? Can someone point me in the right direction here? Even
>>>> > providing the link for a previous discussion on this topic would help.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Varun
>>>> >
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