Select ST_Transform(gpscoords,2276) from gpsdata;

But it is throwing error :
ERROR: transform: couldn't project point:-14 (latitude or longitude
exceeded)SQL state:XX000

It means what it says: one of your points has a invalid ordinate, so it cannot be transformed.

Try this to debug it. Look through them manually and find the one that has the wrong latitude or longitude then correct or delete it.

SELECT astext(the_geom) from gpsdata;

You can also try these, to sort the list and perhaps make the bad coordinate show up at the start or end of the list:

SELECT astext(the_geom) from gpsdata order by x(the_geom);
SELECT astext(the_geom) from gpsdata order by x(the_geom) DESC;
SELECT astext(the_geom) from gpsdata order by y(the_geom);
SELECT astext(the_geom) from gpsdata order by y(the_geom) DESC;

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