And, as usual, I was too fast for my own good.

Your last sentence summarized the abstracts of the Open Geospatial Consortium for WMS, WFS and WCS. However, it begs the question of defining the terms. A knowledge of teh definitions is necessary to understand what you want to access and what you're getting. Mistakes are common where one thinks they understand a "feature" but then get something back that didn't match their understanding. I could substitute 'map' or 'coverage' for feature above.

And then, there's the metadata. Metadata and a coherent vocabulary and ontology, often formated as a registered schema (GML in this case) provides the description of the data for further use. When one issues a GetCapabilities request to a Web [Map|Feature|Coverage] server one gets a GML response back with all the pertinent metadata available about the requested object that's on that server. From that, one may craft a request for the data and data-type desired. While you're working with that object, you will need to retain the metadata.

Note that in my earlier post, I indicated use of a 3-band geotiff of landsat data. This represents a processed image, as you've restricted the dataset to those three bands of data. The netCDF example was an unprocessed (potentially) example (Hmmm. Maybe I should add some cgi-hooks for NCAR's NCL package for netcdf subsetting and processing?).

The "WxS" packages, as I've taken to calling them, are powerful tools for their specific tasks. They can be used out-of-context, too, but that tends to confuse others who aren't familiar with how you were thinking if you ask them to do strange things.

Your approach to this does not appear incorrect to me, but doesn't take advantage of the full capabilities of the services.


Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

Thank you for clarifying my quick answer.  I am looking WCS from a narrow 
viewport because I use it mostly for delivering aerial images in original 
resolution and quality. WCS does give more. Delivering raw data is not the only 
alternative with WCS but it offers also some limited processing options like 
resampling to different resolution, reprojecting and a set of user selectable 
When it comes to spatial relevance, for me the image captured from WMS does not 
have much spatial relevance after it has arrived to the computer if the request 
used for ordering it from the server is not known. GIS program who made the 
request does remember it but save it on a disk, or capture it with a web 
browser and it is just an image. Of course the situation is similar if you take 
an image from WCS server in png or jpeg format which do not carry embedded 
metadata. But this is not black and white either, Mapserver WMS can also create 
georeferenced geotiff or ecw files, even most WMS clients do not know what do 
do with them. Is it too simple to say that WMS was planned to be used for 
showing a map, WCS for downloading coverages and WFS for querying and 
downloading features?


Gerald Creager wrote:
Er... not quite.

WMS is designed to provide a map for, say, a baselayer or background with spatial relevance for GIS work. A picture on a screen is similar, but a WMS result has spatial relevance.

Web Coverage Service delivers a product with spatial relevance and data embedded within the pixels, voxels, etc of the coverage. You're not too far off, but I believe you're attempting to oversimplify this.

A WFS result will provide a feature (line, polygon, point, polyline, etc.) with all of its attributes.

In a coverage, e.g., a geotiff of a 3-band LandSAT image, you would have information on which bands were provided for the RGB elements, and the pixel values for each. The coverage is georegistered so that the spatial relevance of the "image" is preserved. Similarly, a netcdf with significantly more values could be passed as a coverage and utilized, not limited to simply 3 "bands" of "color" (data).


Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

I would say that the main difference is that WMS is meant for showing a map on 
a computer screen, while WCS is made for letting users to download data so they 
can utilise it locally or process further.  Real life is not so black and 
white.  I promise you will find lots of good reading about WMS and WCS easily.  
Do not forget to read a little bit about WFS as well, service for downloading 
vector data.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

fla83tn wrote:

Lähetetty: ti 1.12.2009 17:31
Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka;
Aihe: Re: Re: [mapserver-users] WMS: raster's x and y pixel dimension
Thank you Jukka for the quick reply. Now I'm able to correctly generate z-
dimension from DEM layer.
However, since I'm new to GIS, I'm not able to understand the differences between WCS and WMS..could you briefly summarize the goal of the two approach? And, as last question , should I set the resX and resY parameters from client or could I embed them directly into the map file?

Best regards, Flavio


Width, height and BBOX are all compulsory
parameters in WMS GetMap
request and Mapserver is sending an image according
to the request.  If
you want to be able to control the pixel size easily,
without making WMS
client to balance the BBOX and image size in pixels,
consider using WCS.
One way to make a WCS request is

You can see parameters ResX and ResY
which are used for controlling the
pixel size.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Hi to all,
I've a problem with the loading of a raster
image via WMS (1.3.0).
To load the layers of my project I use gvSIG. If
I load my
digital elevation model (DEM) directly from filesystem (which
is a HFA/Erdas Image file - .img),
x and y pixel dimension are fixed to
2.5 and -2.5 meters
respectively, and fixed are also the width and height
If I load the layer from
Mapserver's WMS instead, x and y
pixel dimension change as I
zoom in or out (i.
e. changing the width

and height parameters of the getMap request).
Is there
the possibility
to tell the wms client that x and y pixel
dimension are constant and should
never be calculated?
Here's my layer definition and the
outputformat definition:
  NAME GTiff
  MIMETYPE "image/tiff"

EXTENT 669913.75
5143998.75 678313.75 5150701.25
"my_dem"   ##required
    "wms_extent" "669913.75 5143998.75
    "gml_include_items" "all"
DATA "my_dem.tiff"
  DUMP  true
TEMPLATE "void" # enable
queryable attribute on the layer END
Any help is

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