Ted Spradley wrote:
Hi all,

I have a working GetFeatureInfo request thanks to posts here on the list.  I
notice various posts referring to documentation I am unable to find however. In particular, one post referred to "wms_<include|exclude>_items" and for
the life of me I can not find any documentation referring to the particular
"wms_include_items" metadata parameter.
Am I missing something?  About the only detailed documentation I can find on
the subject is http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html

The "wms_<include|exclude>_items" metadata are actually the same as the "gml_<include|exclude>_items", just with a different prefix which means that they are specific to the WMS protocol (applied to GetFeatureInfo in GML format in this case) and not applied to GML generation in general. You'll find docs for gml_include_items and gml_exclude_items in the same document at:


Daniel Morissette
mapserver-users mailing list

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