Hi Bart,

Not sure if this is what you mean, but you can always compute a variable with the range you want. The following is inefficient, and not really dead easy, but it works.

Say, in your PostGIS table "tbl", your want to display the column "val" in 10 colors, with "[minx],[miny],[maxx],[maxy]" as the current extent values (e.g. from a template) and "mysrid" as the srid:

LABELITEM labelval

select round ( ((val::float - min) / (max - min)) * 10) as labelval
from (
           select min(val) as min,max(val) as max
           from  tbl
where the_geom && st_setsrid('BOX3D(' || [minx] || ' ' || [miny] || ',' || [maxx] || ' ' || [maxy] || ')'::box3d,mysrid)
) as foo1
,      (
         select val from tbl
) as foo2


On 3-2-2010 14:14, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
Hi Jan,

can you elaborate on this approach? Using WKTRaster?

Best regards,

On Feb 3, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Jan Hartmann wrote:

Would be dead easy with postGIS ...


On 3-2-2010 12:12, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
Hi list,

is it possible to have a colorramp in Mapserver based on the min and max value 
in the current extent?

So instead of predefining the min and max in DATARANGE, have Mapserver use the 
min and max value of the dataset in the current extent?

If not, would it be an easy change or a very complex one?

Best regards,
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