Hi Jukka,

Right you are, I just assumed the link was to a post wrt. version 5.2.1. I probably wouldn't have noticed the extension issue anyway ,-)

Goes to show, I _have_ been away from Mapserver for too long :-)

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars I. Nielsen
GIS & DB Integrator

Rahkonen Jukka skrev:
Hi Lars,

You should have read the link I sent for you :) Here is an excerpt:

"Yes, it should work, though looking at the code it only looks for world
files with the extension .wld in this case (not .tfw, or .tifw).  The code

So this piece of code that Frank kindly made when I asked if it could be 
possible to override georeferencing info of geotiffs and use world files 
instead is looking just for .wld files. Generally gdal does not behave this way.


-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: mapserver-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org puolesta: Frank Warmerdam
Lähetetty: ke 28.4.2010 16:28
Vastaanottaja: l...@gispro.dk
Kopio: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: Re: [mapserver-users] Disregard ECW header for TFW in TILEINDEX ?
Lars I. Nielsen (GisPro) wrote:
Hi Richard,

Ah, Mapserver and/or GDAL doesn't support the TFW extension anymore ? Didn't know that. When did this happen ?

Renaming the TFW to WLD did the trick, now the ECW displays nicely.


As far as I know the .tfw extension was only ever for tiff files.  The
rule for worldfiles is that you take the first and last letter of the
regular extension and add a w to make the three letter world file
extension for the target file.

Best regards,
mapserver-users mailing list

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