Hi all I am having a problem with WMS.  I am using OpenLayers as my
rendering engine.  Basically I am already aware of the fact that when you
have a feature that is a point geometry, if the label/symbol spans multiple
tiles, it will not render on the tile that the point is not located on.  I
was able to get this working in single tile mode, but it just isn't
efficient enough, and the map lags at each pan. I am just wondering if
anyone has tackled and solved this issue before, or if this is one of those
issues that remains a mystery.  Any help would be greatly apreciated.

One last thing, here is my WMS request details:

application/vnd.ogc.se_inimageFORMATimage/png; mode=24bitHEIGHT256LAYERS

And for those familiar with OpenLayers, this is my openlayers object:

var thelayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Logos",
             "/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/htdocs/mapfiles/<?php echo
session_id() ?>.map",
                 { format: 'image/png; mode=24bit', layers:'thelayer',
transparent:'TRUE', categories:'<?php echo $all_cats ?>'},
                 { isBaseLayer:false}
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