Lisa Gaudette wrote:
I have an application using C# Mapscript where I've got a large number of
.png tiles that wind up representing the same area but under different
conditions. In order to avoid having huge numbers of duplicate .wld files,
I'm using .vrt files to index the tiles.

However, I've realized that each time a request is made for a different map,
my memory usage increases. I can duplicate that with the following code,
where the mapfiles contain .vrt layers but it's fine with a .shp tileindex.
This happens even when the 2nd map represents a much smaller area with many
fewer tiles than the first.


In recent versions of MapServer an effort is made to keep GDAL files open
between render requests for raster layers with a single file as opposed
to a tile index.  I wonder if you might be running into a problem with
this behavior in a long running mapscript script.  I don't understand
the whole context in which you are operating so I could be off base.  But
you might consider adding:


to your raster layer to force the files to be closed at the end of a render.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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