I guess I spoke a little too soon...

When I attempted to test this data definition, I got a mapserv.exe crash.  I am 
using a recent version of MSW4.

Also, in looking a little bit at the OGR driver page for sqlite:  
I am guessing that the driver can't use spatialite's native binary geometry 
storage format when it is used to build a geom on the fly.  Based on that, I 
think that creating a wkt geom may be the way to go.  Something like this 
(which still crashes mapserv.exe).

DATA "select 'LINESTRING(' || group_concat(X(geometry) || ' ' || Y(geometry), 
',') || ')' AS wkt_geometry from turtle_points"

This sample is also very simple in that the line vertices aren't being ordered 
and the assumption is that you want one line from all of the points in your 


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