The MapServer Team is pleased to announce the release of MapServer 6.0.0-rc1 (release candidate 1).

The 6.0 release introduces important changes in key components of the MapServer core (rendering, query and expressions), and for this reason we count on you, MapServer power users, to help test the release in your respective environments and provide feedback (through the users list or Trac tickets).

If all goes well and no blocker issues are reported, then this release candidate could lead us to a final 6.0.0 release next week. The full release plan which also includes the list of new features and changes in this release is available at:

The list of fixes since the last beta is attached at the end of this message. For a complete list see the HISTORY.TXT file at:

We have started working on a 5.6 -> 6.0 migration guide. This document contains important notes on backwards incompatibilities or other changes required when upgrading to 6.0. The latest version is available online at:

The source for this release can be downloaded at:

The binary distributions listed in the download page should be updated with binaries for the new beta release in the next day or so.

Once again we need your help to ensure a high quality product, so please help out by testing your applications with this new code base.

Thanks! - The MapServer Team

Version 6.0.0-rc1 (2011-04-27)

- Fix for the styleitem handling with union layer (#3674)

- Fixed mindistance label test to check layer indexes. (#3851)

- Fixed segmentation fault in PHP/MapScript and improved the php object
  method calls (#3730)

- Fix build issue related to unnecessary use of gdal-config --dep-libs (#3316)

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