
I have recently discovered MapServer and I wanted to get some advice about 
setting up a new WMS. I have a data set that is several terabytes in size that 
I'd like to serve.

As just a trial, I want to start with a single raster layer. Is there an 
example of a MapServer setup that I can look at that only serves raster images 
in the form of individual tiles? The raster examples I have seen use a single 
image that MS apparently slices up on demand, but no such single image for my 
data exists (it's far too big).

What is the recommended approach? I could write a script that can generate the 
images on demand from the raw data - can these be passed to mapserv? I can also 
pre-generate tiles of the whole data set. If I want to implement a zoom, 
presumably I'd generate multiple sets of these at different scales? Would each 
zoom level be a new layer?

I'm sure I'll have lots more questions, but this should start me on the right 

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