Hello Jeff

Thank you for the informations,
I have transmitted what you told me to my client's IIS admin, I will see if they can work it on by themself or if they need further assistance.

Thanks again
best regards

Hello Oliver,

Here is some more info, taken from http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngstatus.html :

"As a related item, note that Microsoft's Internet Information Server (a.k.a. IIS) shipped by default without an explicit MIME type for PNG images until version 6, which effectively meant that it treated PNGs as application/octet-stream rather than image/png. Not surprisingly, this affected only non-Microsoft web browsers connecting to IIS servers; they rightly refused to display such mislabelled PNGs. Fortunately, Microsoft did finally correct the problem with the release of IIS 6.0 in 2003, and a fix is available for older versions (at least for version 4.0)."

So that goes along with my initial ideas.

Anyway those are my quick thoughts on your problem with your client's IIS instance. If you want to contact me directly and we can work through this together with your client please do.


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