I agree that this is a request that comes up often. As usual we'd just need someone to lead the effort.

On 11-10-03 12:12 AM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

Inspired by the Thomas Bonfort's rendering chain I have been thinking if we 
could have a native support for using  internal mapfile variables.  Now Thomas 
is setting for example a bunch of colours in a definition file which is 
converted into a real mapfile with python script and c preprocessor.

I would like to see a simple way for setting the variables directly in the 
mapfile, somehow like
SET "pedestrian_clr"  "#fafaf5"
SET "forest_clr" "#dcdcb4"
SET "industrial_clr" "#ebe5d9"

And then later in the layers use
COLOR %pedestrian_clr%

The internal variables could be interpreted only from the mapfile and they 
could not be altered by the web users.

Internal variable would help in maintaining big mapfiles with repeating styles 
like in the OpenStreetMap rendering case.  Another use case is when the same 
layers are re-used for several customers who like to have a bit different 
styling for the same source data.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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