Thanks Stephen and Thomas.

I think I'll be good with the dimension and the disk cache.  Unfortunately,
the apache we have doesn't have memcache built into it (too much hassle to
upgrade it right now) and the version of SQLite is too old...also a hassle
to upgrade.

I was able to get it to load the proper map when just using the entire
bounding box, the whole world.  Now to make it work with the the tilemode
for google...which looks like that should be straight forward??

Thanks guys!!


On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 2:00 PM, thomas bonfort <>wrote:

> Jerl,
> mapcache itself does not do any pruning of the caches it has created,
> but you can get the same effect by using a cache backend that supports
> expiration (i.e. memcache).
> Mapcache can fit your need, provided:
> - you configure your tileset with a "targetdate" <dimension>- you use
> a memcache backend to store the created tiles, and set an <expires>
> value in mapcache to 5 hours
> If the memory requirement for storing 5 hours worth of tiles is too
> important for a memcache server instance, you can have a look at
> membase which will also store less frequently used data to disk. The
> membase protocol is compatible with memcache, so you can use either
> memcache or membase with the same mapcache configuration.
> Of course, by running a script every hour to delete expired tiles as
> you are doing now, you can then use the classic disk based cache
> backend.
> regards,
> thomas
> On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 20:13, forums <> wrote:
> > Hi:
> >
> > I hope this is the proper place to ask questions about Mapcache since
> it's
> > been moved into the trunk of Mapserver.
> >
> > I'm wondering if Mapcache can help with a particular setup, and if so
> maybe
> > some advice or direction on where to start?
> >
> > Here's the setup.  Every 5 minutes a new set of GeoTiffs are created in a
> > new directory.  I create a tileindex for the GeoTiffs and use those in
> the
> > map layer.  Every hour, anything more than 5hours old gets deleted.
> > I have a single mapfile setup.
> >
> > The general layer is setup like:
> >
> >     LAYER
> >         NAME 'IMG1'
> >         METADATA
> >             'wms_title'           'IMG 1'
> >             'wms_srs'             'EPSG:4326'
> >             'wms_extent'          'MINX MINY MAXX MAXY'
> >             'default_targetdate' ''
> >             'targetdate_validation_pattern' '^[0-9]{12}$'
> >         END
> >         STATUS ON
> >         TILEINDEX '/PATH/TO/IMG/DIR/%targetdate%/TILEINDEX.shp'
> >         TILEITEM 'Location'
> >         TYPE RASTER
> >     END
> >
> >
> > I'm currently loading these images as overlays for Googlemaps. using the
> > mode=tile&tilemode=gmaps...&targetdate=2011...etc.
> > Problem is it's too slow. I end up loading hundreds of images, as I
> > basically create an animation using sequential times.
> >
> > I'd like to be able to have a single mapcache config file, that will pass
> > the date through to pull the proper shapefile, and have the result
> cached so
> > next time it's loading off the disk.  MOST of the images end up being
> > blank/transparent tiles.
> >
> > Is Mapcache a good choice for this?
> > The front end for this is just a simple GoogleMaps viewport, but ends up
> > loading multiple timeslots for display.  It generates the request URL
> (not
> > currently in WMS fashion but could be).
> >
> > Thanks for any help I can get.
> >
> > Jerl
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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