On 12-05-14 9:42 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
On 5/14/2012 5:31 AM, Rita Abreu wrote:

I´m a new user of mapserver.
Can anyone recomend me base layers for my project?
Can somenoe tell me how to add google layers or osm layers?


If you really are asking how to pull OSM or Google into mapserver,
instead of OpenLayers, then you will need to extract the OSM data into
data layers and create a mapfile to render it in mapserver OR find an
existing WMS service that you can pull OSM images into mapserver. You
can not do this with Google it violates their TOS.

For a step by step recipe to load and render OSM with MapServer, see:


Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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