On 8/27/2012 7:01 AM, sumyjose1...@gmail.com wrote:

We are using map server to show our country map both in Arabic and
English. But for Arabic map the label is joining improperly.The map
layer is using .DAT file   for displaying labels.When we are
retrieving data from map layer to any asp.net control it is getting
properly. Please check it

I am new to map server mapinfo, please help me.

First please keep general inquiries on the lists so others can learn from responses and so other experts can help advise you.

As many of us can not read Arabic, but are able to configure mapserver successfully to render Arabic it would probably be more helpful to provide additional information like:

* Linux or Windows? Are you using MS4W? Which MS4W version? Which mapserver version?
* what does your LABEL block look like?
* Is this a prebuilt executable? or did you build it?
* what version of fribidi was it built with?
* What Arabic font are you using?

So in general, since you have the basics working and are getting Arabic characters, it seems most things are OK.

* Is the Arabic getting rendered right to left?

* Is the only problem you have the some of the joining glyphs are missing? If this is the case then you need to get a better font or you might not be using fribidi-0.19.x. fribidi-0.19.4 just got released yesterday, but I have not tried to build and test with that yet, but you should probably be sure you are using fribidi-0.19.2 at least.

Anyway, a little information would help.

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