
If you are using a recent version of PROJ.4, you should be able to use epsg:3857 for Web Mercator. MapServer can reproject your data on-the-fly if you also have projection blocks in your layer definitions to say what projection the data are (i.e. epsg:4326). This will slow down the map draws somewhat, so if you are planning to always display this map in Web Mercator, it's a good idea to reproject your shapefiles.

... oh, it looks like Jeff beat me to it :)


On 11/05/2012 11:06 PM, Forest wrote:
Hello everyone,
I've been using shp2img tools to generate tile image by mapfile. And the project is by default,which is epsg:4326.Now I want to use Web Mercator Projection,Can you tell me how to write the mapfile's projection label?And Do I need to change my shpfile's projection?
    Waiting for your answers,thanks very much!

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