On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Evans, James R Civ USAF ACC 84 RADES/SCZE <
james.ev...@hill.af.mil> wrote:

> So, I'm guessing there's no easy way to automate this?  Even looking at the
> states, some of the states are in two zones, and Texas is across 3 zones.
> At least the naming convention of the files indicate the UTM zone.


Note it is pretty easy to write a script (ie. in Python) that would walk
the directory tree and sort the images into distinct (per utm zone)
collections. So, yes, the processing of this data is very automatable.

> For
> instance:  m_2408002_ne_17_1_20100422_201001123.jp2, is in zone 17.  As far
> as I can tell, all the files in a particular directory are all in the same
> UTM zone.  I could create a layer for each UTM zone across CONUS, but
> that's
> not going to be particularly useful to my users.  I'm thinking of making a
> layer for each state.  For the stats that cross zones, there will probably
> be two layers.  For Texas, there would be Texas_east, Texas_middle, and
> Texas_west.  I will probably limit visibility until zoomed in sufficiently

Is it important to you to distinguish things by state?  If not, why not one
layer per utm zone, and then join them in a layer group 'UTM NAIP' that the
users would either turn on or off?

> to see the whole state on the screen anyway, since the continental view of
> this data is pretty crappy anyway.

Limiting visibility to reasonable resolutions should be fine and would help
you avoiding needing additional preprocessing to create an overview of the
whole collection.

>  So now it seems like it will be a lot of
> grunt work just copying these directories up to the server, and going
> through and creating a shape file index for each state.  For states in more
> than one UTM, there would be more than one shape.  Then I'll have to add a
> layer for to my mapfile for each shapefile, using the correct projection.
> Is there an easier way?  I'm starting with Oklahoma, which is also in three
> UTM zones.  I'll get that working before moving on.  Any suggestions on
> making this pretty would be welcomed.  :-)

Well, I still think you should take states out of the equation unless that
is important to your users.

Good luck,

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Software Developer
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