Hi Daniel,

I think for the thousands of readers on this mailing list, you really need to give examples of your psql queries that you are trying (people in these open communities find editing your mistakes much easier than suggesting new solutions). So, dive into the commandline :) Do some tests with the tools I mentioned, then come back here and paste in your query syntax for the mailing list readers, I bet someone will be able to help you then.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2016-08-09 9:54 AM, drobins wrote:
Hi jeff,

does this apply also if I have different projects from different
Lets say I have 3 projects:
Project A: 2016-01-01 till 2019-01-01
Project B: 2017-02-02 till 2022-01-01
Project C: 2018-03-03 till 2025-05-01

When I check YR2017 I want to see Project A and B but not C

Note that I find it a little difficult to really explain what I'm trying to
achieve :)
I guess easiest description would be like being able to scroll
forward/backwards and depending on where I stop, display everything that is
active on that current selected date.


jmckenna wrote

You can create your query through the commandline tool 'psql', and once
you have that working you can test through the 'ogrinfo' commandline
tool, using its '-sql' switch.  Then you can test through MapServer with
the 'shp2img' commandline tool, by setting that query within the DATA
statement of your mapfile layer.  See examples at


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2016-08-09 8:56 AM, drobins wrote:
I have a PostGIS database and I have a column "startdate" and "enddate"
in my
database (YYYY-MM-DD format).
What I want to do is make a filter/expression that checks if a certain
selected date falls between those 2 dates.

I have a checkbox for enable/disable the following layers:

I have an entry in my database with:
startdate: 2016-01-01
enddate: 2019-01-01

If I check the layer 2017, I would like it to check if its between the
start/enddate and if yes, display it.
Is this possible with Mapserver/Openlayers?

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