
Does this help:

What version of gdal do you have installed. You might need the mode=2 argument on the DATA statement.

-Steve W

On 6/3/2017 5:40 PM, Brent Wood wrote:


I'm looking to (eventually) manage several hundred raster layers in Postgis.

I have prototyped a single layer using a worldclim file, and can open the Postgis raster table in QGIS (using db manager) and display it as expected with pseudocolour. It is a single band layer, with pixel values in the -36 to 30 range (avg temperatures).

I have set up a mapfile to serve this as a WMS. I can connect to the service with QGIS, see the layer listed and add it to the canvas. The legend shows the three colours I have set as classes for the layer, but the layer does not appear on the canvas (or if it does it is invisible).

The mapserver log suggests (to me anyway) that it is working OK.

I have added a global land shapefile, also served as WMS to the same mapfile to give some context, which opens and displays OK as a WMS layer in QGIS.

The mapfile, along with the mapserver log entry, are at

If anyone can help me sort out why I'm not seeing any data in QGIS from the Postgis raster WMS layer, I'd appreciate it!


Brent Wood

Programme leader: Environmental Information Delivery
DDI:  +64 (4) 3860529

Brent Wood
Principal Technician - GIS and Spatial Data Management
Programme Leader - Environmental Information Delivery

+64-4-386-0529| 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, Wellington| <>


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