
I think I copied a session URL rather than the notebook one. 
The following hopefully works:
Repository: https://github.com/geographika/OSGeoLive12-Notebooks
Path to notebook file: jupyter/quickstarts/mapscript-quickstart.ipynb



twitter: @geographika

On Wed, Nov 7, 2018, at 1:56 PM, Leroux, Alexandre (EC) wrote:
> Hi Seth,

> Thanks for the notebook, however, I can't seem to be able to access
> it, I get a 404. Full error message:> Oops!

> We can't seem to find the Binder page you are looking for.

> 404 error

> Here are some helpful tips.


> Is this a Binder that you created?

> Your Binder stopped due to an error or it was removed due to age or
> inactivity.> Return to the Binder home page[1] to retry creating your Binder.

> Did someone give you this Binder link?


> If so, the link is outdated or incorrect. Recheck the link for typos
> or ask the person who gave you the link for an updated link. A
> shareable Binder link should look like https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/....> 

> Binder home page[2]

> Alexandre Leroux, M.Sc., ing. Senior geospatial specialist /
> Spécialiste principal en géomatique Data, Performance and Standards
> Section / Section des Données, performance et standards Meteorological
> Service of Canada / Service météorologique du Canada Environment and
> Climate Change Canada / Environnement et Changement climatique Canada
> alexandre.ler...@canada.ca - (514) 421-5024> On 11/07/2018 09:48 AM, Seth G 
> wrote:
>> Hi list,  I've completed a Jupyter notebook demonstrating the Python
>> MapScript functionality. A notebook is an interactive document that
>> allows code samples to be run and edited. A project called mybinder
>> allows notebooks to be published and hosted online - the MapScript
>> notebook can be found at:
>> https://hub.mybinder.org/user/geographika-osg-ive12-notebooks-ptgaaead/notebooks/jupyter/quickstarts/mapscript-quickstart.ipynb
>> Source code for the notebook is at
>> https://github.com/geographika/OSGeoLive12-Notebooks/tree/master/jupyter/quickstarts
>> - I'm hoping to get this added to the next OSGeoLive release.  Any
>> feedback or comments welcome, Regards,  Seth  -- web:
>> http://geographika.co.uk twitter: @geographika
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  1. https://mybinder.org
  2. https://mybinder.org
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