Hi Sven,
I encountered the same problem few weeks ago. The pattern does exist: If the 
width of the image is not evenly divisible by four, than the layer transparency 
I was just about to write a message like yours, but as I managed to reproduce 
the bug with a small testscript, I stumbled upon an error and then found out 
that it is already a known thing...


As Jeff pointed out, if you built it on your own, then you can disable pixman, 
if you don't actually need it... Cairo support was dependent of pixman I think.
If you are using a compiled package, maybe you can circumvent this issue by 
using the OPACITY at CLASS level. I know that OPACITY is already deprecated, 
but it might be useful until we are forced to use COMPOSITE blocks.

__OPACITY 50 # doesn't work
______OPACITY 50 # works

If the layer objects are disjoint, the result should be the same. If polygons 
of the same layer overlap their opacities will add up, which or might not be 
useful behaviour...

I am also interested in alternatives. For example: Is it possible to change 
pixman, so the bug doesn't occur? Sadly, I didn't manage to compile Mapserver 
with PHP7 myself yet. If it turns out that nobody needs Pixman/Cairo and MS4W 
will be compiled without it, it would be fine for me as well.

Best wishes,

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