Hello everyone!

Requesting your help, by testing and providing feedback on an labeling issue reported by a user, Ryan Whitley, a few years ago.

I have/had created a full sample, containing Arabic fonts, and a short mapfile, that you can execute locally with shp2img at https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/files/1005449/ticket-5426-arabic-labels.zip

You can read the issue at https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/5426

Today I tested on Ubuntu, and the label problem still exists, with MapServer 7.4.1, fribidi 1.0.5, and harfbuzz 2.4.0 (all compiled from source today)

I also of course get the error with the latest MS4W on Windows.

So, since it applies to all platforms, please if you have a minute download the sample, run shp2img locally, report your findings and provide ideas on how to fix the issue.


Have a nice weekend everyone,


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

mapserver-users mailing list

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