Dear users,

I try to use MapServer 7.4 with MapCache 1.6.1 on a Suse SLES
Mapserver is delivering a wms very well.
I installed MapCache successfully (I think).
In my mapcache.xml I have set:

   <source name="kanaldaten" type="wms">
   <tileset name="kachelnkanal">
          <metatile>5 5</metatile>

If I use the WMS-demo application:

http://blablabla/mapcache/demo/wms everything works fine.
A couple of tiles are produced on the server.

But: If I use my WMS e.g. in QuantumGIS or at a simple
...GetMap-Request in an URL
no tiles at all are produced on the server??

Am I right that the tile-producing only works, if the mapclient has
specific entries?`

Thank you very much, Kai

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125


Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

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