Hi all,

I'm evaluating new stacks but seems that I'm stuck with mapserver and mapcache 
due to the input source of our maps, so I'm trying to improve the speed of the 
mapserver/mapcache stack and what I cannot improve is the seed speed.

The -n and -p parameters seems to be useless.

-n | -nthreads: number of parallel threads that should be used to request tiles 
from the WMS source. The default is 1, but can be set higher if the WMS server 
can withstand parallel requests. (As a rule of thumb, the value chosen here 
should never be much higher than the number of CPUs on the WMS server.)

-p | -nprocesses: number of parallel processes that should be used to request 
tiles from the WMS source.
I've tried to use -n 20000 and -p 60000 but for some reason the CPU load is max 
100% in 1 core, no way to make it use more power and speed up the seed process.
Max memory used is 470MB between Centos 7 (with all the services running) and 
the seed process.

I've setup apache to use HTT/2 and it make quite a difference when the cache is 
already seeded but during the seed process doesn't seems to be affected.

My MapServer build is:

./configure \
--with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
--with-wfsclient \
--with-wmsclient \
--with-wfs \
--enable-debug \
--with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config \
--with-proj \
--with-jpeg \
--with-freetype \
--with-postgis=/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_config \

I know there is mapserver 7 and yet I'm using 6 for the test.

While the MapCache is:

cmake   -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/usr/bin/sqlite3" \
        -DWITH_SQLITE=1 \
        -DWITH_BERKELEY_DB=0 \
        -DWITH_TIFF=0 \
        -DWITH_GEOTIFF=0 \
        -DWITH_FCGI=0 \
        -DWITH_PCRE=0 \
        -DWITH_PIXMAN=1 \
        -DWITH_OGR=1 \
        -DWITH_GEOS=1 \

MapCache is the latest version and this is my mapcache.xml file, we use sqlite 
as a cache method

  <cache name="cache_sqlite" type="sqlite3">
  <pragma name="max_page_count">1573741823</pragma>

  <tileset name="bccache">
    <metatile>16 16</metatile>

  <grid name="bcgrid">
               <title>BC custom grid</title>
               <size>256 256</size>
               <extent>0 0 700000 1250000</extent>
               <resolutions>70 28 14 7 2.8 1.4 0.7</resolutions>

  <format name="mypng" type="PNG">

  <service type="wms" enabled="true">

I've also tried to use -DWITH_MAPSERVER but seems that the integration is not 
working and they doen't care? https://github.com/mapserver/mapcache/issues/169 
this issue was open 2 years ago and still open, not even a reply from the 

How can I improve the seed process?
Should I increase the maxsize and metatile to requests more tiles and cache 


Sebastiano Laini
Web Developer
Buchanan Computing

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