When labeling with linebreaks, I insert an unique character like '@', so "[field1]@[field2]" and then on the label block add
WRAP "@"

Try that and see if it works for you.

-Steve W

On 3/28/2020 10:22 AM, Jean-Philippe Chenel wrote:

Using MapScript PHP API, I want to create a label object (using tostring expression) and put 2 columns with a linebreak between them. The example above is working well on a single line, but I don’t know how to make the linebreak (carriage return).

$text = "(tostring([vol],'%.2f')+'[vol]')";
$classObj = new classObj($layer);

I've tried multiple combination of \r\n but none of them work (map rendering work, but the label completely disappear).
$text = "(tostring([vol],'%.2f') + '\r\n[vol]')";
$text = "(tostring([vol],'%.2f') + '\r\n' + '[vol]')";

If I don’t use the expression, the line break work
$text = "'[vol]\r\n[vol]'";

By the way, the TEXT property is on the classObj, the setText method doesn’t work on the labelObj.

With best regards,

MapServer 7.4.4 (under ubuntu 16.04)
PHP 5.6.40


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