Hallo Stéphane,

glad to hear it works. The problem with this is how to keep those packags up to 
date. As long as this list is relatively static you might be able to use a 
script to synchronize them to a local directory, create the metadata and use 
this local repository with yum-priorities to favour those packages.
  The messages in to Apache httpd-log don't log like errors. AFAIK those a just 
normal message. CGI doesn't define a way to categorize messages so debug, info, 
err are all going the to same stderr channel. The CGI-Module simply logs 
everything as class "error". It should be possible to redirect those MapServer 
messages to a separate file using mapfile-directives (see 

Regards, Andreas

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Stephane Poissant <spoissan...@gmail.com> 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2021 20:40
An: mapServer-users <mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org>
Cc: Jeff McKenna <jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com>; Eichner, Andreas - SID 
Betreff: Re: Mapserver 7.6.2

Good day Andreas,

Your suggestion about replacing boost packages from AWS with CentOS ones 
Good catch. I was able to finally compile and install all my requirements. 
Thumbs up!
I had to download the whole list and install using rpm -ivh *.rpm.

One more thing. 
I am able to render many tiles (images) but I have trouble with some others. I 
double checked for librairies to avoid having duplicates or many versions...
But it does not seem to be the case.

I am getting a bunch of the following in my apache logs:
#### (Some data was replaced with xxxx on purpose for security reasons in the 
below log output) ###

[cgi:error] [pid 2512] [client] AH01215: GDAL: 
GDALOpen(PG:host=xxxxxxxx.com <http://xxxxxxxx.com>  port=xxxx dbname=‘xxxxxx' 
user=‘xxxxx' password=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX schema='public' table=‘xxxxxx' 
mode='2', this=0x125df80) succeeds as PostGISRaster.: 
/var/www/html/map/mapserv.cgi, referer: http://xxxxx.com/
[cgi:error] [pid 2509] [client] AH01215: GDAL: GDAL_CACHEMAX 
= 388 MB: /var/www/html/map/mapserv.cgi, referer: http://xxxxx.com/
AH01215: GDAL: In GDALDestroy - unloading GDAL shared library.

What could cause that? Flags while doing cmake? (Python maybe)
(I am using the below one):
cmake -Wno-dev 

— Stéphane
mapserver-users mailing list

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