The ‘native’ PHP MapScript will go away with MapServer 8.  Will all the 
functionality be added to the SWIG PHP MapScript before that happens?  I tried 
the transition with the change to MapServer 7.4 and was unsuccessful do to 
missing pieces (or my lack of knowledge).  Thankfully, others also needed the 
php_mapscript functionality and put forth a tremendous effort to make the 
‘native’ PHP MapScript work with PHP 7.  Thank you to all that were involved 
with that effort.  Here I go again, hoping that I will be able to make the 
transition and I still do not see a path forward.  Of course, just because I 
don’t see a path, doesn’t mean there isn’t one.  That is why I am asking how to 
add a feature to a layer using SWIG PHP MapScript.  The following explains how 
I have done this in the ‘native’ PHP MapScript.
I use a layer called drawshape1 in a mapfile to highlight something on a map by 
dynamically adding a feature to that layer.
                NAME "drawshape1"
                TYPE POLYGON
                STATUS ON
                                OPACITY 60
                                STATUS ON
                                NAME "tmpshp1"
                                                COLOR 0 0 255
I use a WKT to create the shape that is added to the drawshape1 layer.  This 
highlights the WKT on the image returned by drawQuery().
$map = new mapObj("");
$drawLayer = $map->getLayerByName('drawshape1');
$newshp = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($curwkt);
$test = $drawLayer->addFeature($newshp);
$img = $map->drawQuery();
Presumably, I could do the following.
$map = new mapObj("");
$drawLayer = $map->getLayerByName('drawshape1');
$newshp = new shapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
$tmpShape = newshp->fromWKT($curwkt);
$test = $drawLayer->addFeature($newshp);
This doesn’t seem to be finished in SWIG mapscript.  I see that in the 
documentation says TODO.
shape )int
        Add a new inline feature on a layer. Returns -1 on error. TODO: Is this 
similar to inline features in a mapfile? Does it work for any kind of layer or 
connection type?

I could use inline features to accomplish this also.  But this also seems to be 
missing in SWIG PHP mapscript and has a TODO by it.
shape )int
        Add a new inline feature on a layer. Returns -1 on error. TODO: Is this 
similar to inline features in a mapfile? Does it work for any kind of layer or 
connection type?

Does anyone know how can I replace this functionality?  Will these TODOs be 
done before MapServer 8?  It is difficult to work on the transition when pieces 
are missing.

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