
I have an idea, but I don't know how to implement it:


In my previous email, I asked about the possibility of combining WMS with a 
time dimension with masking. I would like the mask of a particular day not to 
cut out the data in rasters from other days, but unfortunately it is cutting 
them out, and I have something like this:


I came up with the idea of creating a VRT in which the RGB raster would be 
marked and the indicated raster with the cloud mask as an alpha channel, but I 
would like to keep all of this only as paths or attributes in PostGIS.

And here is my question, whether I could somehow (so that I don't have to 
create a file, I know that it is possible to define VRT in the mapfile) store 
the content of VRT (with the defined alpha channel) in tileindex in POstgis?

I also have a request to send other ideas on how to use masking in WMS-Time.

Thank you for your ideas.

Best regards,


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