On Sun, 2007-08-19 at 02:32 +0200, Didrik Pinte wrote:

> I fill in the layer using php/mapscript with the following code :
>     $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);
>     $pt = ms_newLineObj();
>     $pt->addXY($point->x,$point->y);
>     $pt->addXY($point->x,$point->y);
>     $shp->add($pt);
>     $shp->classindex = 0;
>     $shp->set('text', $obj->get_id());
>     $lyr->addFeature($shp);

The doubled labels where due to the fact that I created a MS_SHAPE_LINE
with two points on a POINT LAYER... removing the second point solved the
problem :

    $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);
    $pt = ms_newLineObj();
    $shp->classindex = 0;
    $shp->set('text', $obj->get_id());


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