I must use two different projections (epsg:2393 and 3067) which both have a 
common centre meridian 27°E.  One is transverse Mercator with scale factor 1, 
another UTM with scale factor 0.996.  Now I can use the same images, without 
any physical or on-the-fly reprojection simply by creating two sets of world 
files with adjusted origos and pixel sizes. Actually in my case this leads also 
to better accuracy because another system has some local distortions which I 
can compensate by sliding the origo to correct place with world file.
But I have a problem: vast majority of my images are in GeoTIFF format having 
internally defined coordinate system epsg:3067.  I wonder if there is some 
trick to override this projection by world files.  Something like a hidden 
switch TRUST_WORLDFILE=YES which I could use in the mapfile.  Does such a 
switch exist?
-Jukka Rahkonen-

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