I've not tried to use a "redirect" to hide another website's address. I use their DNS instead, and I see no ads... But I use adblock, so I'm not sure.


On 10/24/2012 07:46 PM, Alan Hogan wrote:
I only ever dealt with .tk domains as a teen when I couldn't afford a real domain, and they would basically <iframe> your real site and add advertisements. It wasn't a good experience. I trust things may have changed since then, but I still don't ever see or trust .tk domains.

On Oct 24, 2012, at 9:23 AM, Boris Le Ninivin <boris.lenini...@gmail.com <mailto:boris.lenini...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On 10/24/2012 06:19 PM, David Chambers wrote:
I registered markdown.io for a year but did nothing with it during that time, so let the registration lapse. I'm happy to reregister this domain name (or to register a different one) and to point it at the appropriate nameservers.

I was thinking of getting mdwn.tk

Markdown.io would be a better name though, I think...

Does anyone else have an opinion? :)

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