I'd love to see how they measured market share. :) Someone should
write and challenge them for the numbers.

On 5/2/05, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Glynn Foster a écrit :
> > "The fact is, however, that KDE has the largest market share, and that
> > means the majority of our readers probably use KDE most, or use only
> > KDE."
> Is this true, though?
> Online polls consistently give KDE a 2:1 advantage over GNOME, but that
> is over the relatively small customer base of early-adopter alpha geeks
> (or whatever they're called) - the people who read free software news
> sites and things like that.
> But it doesn't measure people using a free desktop at work, or in
> telecenters, or atr school, who may not know they're using linux, and
> certainly don't browse those sites that run online surveys on whether
> you're using GNOME or KDE.
> I don't know if there's anything that we can do to change that image, or
> redress the bar, or even start changing that trend in online polls to
> get it closer to 60/40 or even 50/50.
> It is a little worrying that an online magazine is almost ignoring GNOME...
> > Still, we didn't do too badly with GIMP, Rhythmbox, Gaim and Totem
> > articles in there.
> Well, rhythmbox, gaim and totem got 1 page each... It's better than it
> could have been, but still. It really does seem like they're a KDE magazine.
> Dave.
> --
> David Neary
> --
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