> I don't think, any German would favour Munich (Bavaria - Germany).

Ok, that was a bad example then. Barcelona (Catalonia - Spain) is
frequently used down here precisely to avoid arguments.

> What
> should GNOME fans in Extremedura, for example, say about such a
> distinction?

This "distinction" is one of the big issues in Spain since ages, you
will find a wide range of opinions everywhere, Extremadura and Barcelona
included. Hint: you don't want to get involved in this discussion.

Some would write Barcelona (Spain), some Barcelona (Catalonia). Because
the GUADEC is no related to regional politics at all, we recommend to
put both or none.

But the fact of putting "(Catalonia - Spain)" it's not a distinction,
it's an approximation. It's the way to say that Barcelona it's in
Catalonia and Catalonia is in Spain. This is 100% institutional
considering how Spain is legally constituted. I mean, it's not like
saying Free Kurdistan or something.

I understand all this doesn't make sense for a German - or even less
sense for a US citizen. But believe me, here it does make sense. Ask
Jordi Mallach, ask the GNOME Hispano people. You may get different
answers but all them will agree that it makes sense to put "Barcelona
(Catalonia - Spain) or simply Barcelona if the priority is not get mixed
with the political debate.

Sorry for all this. Again, this is the recommendation of the Barcelona
team. Don't kill the messenger.  :)

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