Hi, Quim!

Thanks for the summery. 

I suggest to rename the page
http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/SoftwareMap, then.

In fact, after reading the page again, Murray asked the most relevant
question right in the beginning: What is the purpose of the list?

I'm was just asking the same question: What's the audience and who will
benefit from reading this 'software map'? -- especially if it's going
to become lots of app pages that basically either copy the project
homepages or constitute a new gnomefiles or do something in between.

Obviously, there's no good answer to the question so we should
re-consider it.

Let me add two additional notes for consideration:

Mentioning certain projects on wgo

Those who actually read older material may note that I've planned
indeed a page called 'products' in my old draft of the wgo structure:
wgo > About > Products. I attached my draft for the page (HTML only).

I just mention it because I think it's easier to talk about mockups or

Such a page could have also been seperated into categories like
'Desktop', 'Embedded', and 'Development platform'. But there was even
room for another level, so we could have, for example,
wgo/about/products/desktop/applications.html and several other pages in
there, explaining different aspects of 'desktop' and 'embedded' and so.

I think, such a 'list' makes sense.

And one should note that the old draft of the wgo structure had things
like a tour so most people are probably happy about the tour already.
There was just one additional list of projects, namely those that
constitute the development platform -- available under wgo >
development > architecture IIRC.

What other lists do we need?

 (1) Is there any need to bother wgo visitors with a complete list of
'official' GNOME software? You called it the "components of the
desktop". I don't think so.

 IMHO, users simply expect that any relevant desktop (or better:
operating system in their language) has something like a calculator or
a window manager (even if they don't know what a window manager is).
They just want to know about the major (unexpected) benefits, unique
selling propositions, etc. -- however you like to call it. This was
already present in the above draft.

 The only people who may be interested in a list of official components
(and I'm not even sure if they really are) are distributions. However,
the release team hopefully provides such a list somewhere, and links to
it from the release pages on live.gnome.org.

 (2) Do we need a list what projects are hosted on GNOME
infrastructure? Yes, of course. This is already available under
http://www.gnome.org/projects/ and such a page would probably
constitute the homepage of projects.gnome.org provided it gets created.

 Do we need to bother wgo visitors with a list of hosted projects? No,
I don't think so. The only people interested will be developers and
they can deal with the issue that the list adress could be different to

 (3) Do we need a list what projects are 'GNOME applications'? No, I
don't think so. Why that?

 On the one hand, such a list assumes that anybody cares what GNOME as
an institution says. We are far from such a position, IHMO. (Example:
If I need Open Office, I don't mind whether some geeks call it a 'GNOME
application' or not).

 On the other hand, such a list is exclusive: Projects that don't make
it -- but somehow hoped to make it --, might get offended. (And rightly
so, IHMO -- just as an example: our usuablilty guys so far didn't do
much to educate people outside of the usability mailing list; it's not a
surprise that outside projects don't bother much about our usability

 If we *really* want to promote GNOMEiness among third-party projects
we should start a yearly competition (say: with the annoucement during
GUADEC and an official press release) and give prices for the best
third-party project(s) of the year of so.

Did I miss any potential list of projects that was mentioned in the
discussion? Hopefully not. ;-)

Additionally, I'd like to suggest that we should not establish a policy
of creating a "project page" on wgo if the project lacks a homepage
(Example: Pessulus) -- we should try to convince the project to make a
homepage, help them doing so, and link the result if necessary.

Title: GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project

GNOME products

While a GNOME desktop appears as a single unity to most users, it really consists of a number of applications, utilities, and libraries. We can list just the most important ones here.


GNOME comes with several applications for your everyday needs. You can find additional third-party software from other software directories.

  • Evolution is a world-class EMail application that recieves many awards already.
  • Totem plays your movies and songs.
  • Sound-Juicer plays your CDs, and copies them to your harddisk.
  • Ekiga enables you to talk to your friends in realtime over the Internet.
  • Epiphany makes you surf the Internet.
  • Evince let's you view standard documents such as PDFs.


Learn once, use often: GNOME delivers cross-platform tools that work across several Linux distributions.

  • Nautilus comes in two flavours to manage your files easily.
  • Metacity is a window manager and the center of GNOME's philosophy to keep it simple for user. If you have no idea what a window manager is, be assured, it's unlikely that you will ever need to find out.
  • The GNOME Panel is configurable to your needs. Containing small programms to notify you about system events, menus to let you start your applications, and much more, the panel is one of a core software of GNOME.


You're interested to build your own applications? GNOME comes with lots of libraries to make it easier for you. With bindings to all major programming languages, and lots of third-party application build with them, you can rely on the continuous improvement of all of GNOME's base libraries.

Other projects

A full list of projects hosted on the GNOME servers is available. Note that some entries are kept for historical reasons.

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