--- Claus Schwarm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't get me wrong. I think most points of the
> former proposal are
> > valid and should be kept in the current wgo
> revamp. See
> > http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/NewWgoStructure ,
> I'm asking for
> > selecting and merging. Why don't you work together
> with Joachim to get
> > an updated version?
> > 
> No offense meant to Joachim but the differences in
> his proposal that I
> find useful can easily be merged back into the old
> one. Some other
> points might be worth to be discussed; for example,
> removing
> 'Foundation' out of the top navigation -- no idea
> what other think
> about it. Some of his points I find, ehm, strange.
> ;-)
> Again, no offense meant!

None taken :)

My draft is just that, a draft, and only part of one
at that.

I'm trying to think in terms of paths through the
site. My scenarios are these:

* new to GNOME: about, why choose, tour, screenshots
* new users: tour, link to library, link to support
* general users: resources for gnome: links to: art &
themes, more software, support, etc
* potential developers: not sure about this one
* current developers: or this one

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