It sends the mail but I saw :

 to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,[]:25,
conn_use=17, delay=25359, delays=25342/17/0/0.07, dsn=4.1.8,
status=SOFTBOUNCE (host[] said: 553 5.1.8
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist (in reply to RCPT TO
command ))

So I changed the source mail and now should work.


En/na Joachim Noreiko ha escrit:
> --- Ramon Navarro Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Done
> I'm still not receiving it, and I've gone very
> carefully through my spam folder (I could win a
> MacBook Pro!!! ;)
> Is it plone that's sending out an email? Could you
> check that it's working please?
> Alternatively, is there a time when you're on IRC and
> you can just tell me the password?
>> En/na Joachim Noreiko ha escrit:
>>> --- Ramon Navarro Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>>> The URL :
>>>> The login details : username : jnoreiko
>>>> I reseted the password that should be sended to
>>> I haven't received it -- could have got eaten by
>>> yahoo's spam filter.
>>> Could you send it again please?
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> Inbox full of unwanted email? Get leading protection and 1GB storage with All 
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