Simos Xenitellis schrieb:
> On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Thilo Pfennig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Claus Schwarm schrieb:
>>> It's just not as efficient as for other platforms because releases are
>>> rather boring if they cannot be installed easily and immediately. That
>>> was the central problem of gnomefiles.
>> Not specific to Thats the same problem has.
>> Like new GNOME but you have to compile yourself. Also same problem most
>> linuxbased FLOSS has.
> The importance I can see with is that it focuses on
> intermediate users,
> those that can afford to install some development packages, then run
> ./configure, make, sudo make install.
> These users have a higher chance to pick up a project of their own,
> and convert to GNOME developers later on.
> Simos

Maybe a revision based directory would be cool. Like every distro has
another version of an application. They then could link to one directory
with &version=2.22&rev=0 or so - this would enable the view of one
application to be exact that of the linked version. So actually very
wiki-like, except that the revisions would be hardcoded. So this
descriptions could be used by every package manager and distribution.
Distributions may want to add some bits if they patch a version. But
that would be much nicer than of every distro needs to essentially copy
and paste the same bits. This could also be matched to a RSS feed, so
that people see when which version or description was updated.


Thilo Pfennig - PfennigSolutions IT-Beratung- Wiki-Systeme
Sandkrug 28 - 24143 Kiel (Germany)

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