Dave Neary schrieb:
> 1. A set of ideas on low-pmaintenance stuff we can do for this type of thing
> 2. A list of people with the skills to do these things
> 3. someone/a small group to be aware of upcoming things, and co-ordinate
> volunteers
This sounds like a good task for marketing crew. We could make a list on
a wiki page where people can add events, too. The somebody could send a
list of upcoming events to some lists like marketing and the foundation
board some weeks before an event so there would be enough time to veto
and/or prepair things.

As I am writing this, I read the renewed
http://live.gnome.org/UserGroups page. So you already have a calendar.
Do you think adding more general events would be finde. As I think GNOME
user groups is maybe the right slot for those events - then spreading to
the general GNOME page. This list should contain worldwide events that
GNOME supports wholeheartedly and likes its users to know about or maybe
use as a local action. This would/could be:

* Software Freedom Day
* Stop Software Patents world Day (which is today)
* Document Freedom Day (promotes open document standards, which is what
GNOME also supports I guess)
* Anniversaries of GNOME, GNU, Linux kernel, X11, ...
* New GNOME releases, thats already happening. Maybe we could add a
countdown like "Only XX days till the release of GNOME 2.24" ?
* I would also consider releases of distros to be mentioned as this
means that GNOME users get a new GNOME (much more than the release of a
new GNOME does). So one could announce like: "A new Ubuntu is out. With
that Ubuntu users get the new GNOME 2.24", same for Fedora and others.

BTW - maybe we could have a simple solution for www.gnome.org also that
includes a kind calendar . If wgo would have a space for something like
announcement banners and one could plan what is in that banner - one
could work very early  on what will appear. Those banners could also
like to live.gnome.org/DocumentFreedomDay which again could explain what
that is and how GNOME users can get involved.

Another thing that strikes me on WGO: I do  not see any link to  an
"Events" page. But there are still two links to Support page.

I could create this page - everybody could review - and I also could
send a list of events  to this list. Those could be discussed here also
and maybe adding those to the calendar would also be a nice idea. For
local events I would suggest that the national GNOME organizations do
such stuff - so like Linuxtag in Germany is something the german team
should work on.


Thilo Pfennig - PfennigSolutions IT-Beratung- Wiki-Systeme
Sandkrug 28 - 24143 Kiel (Germany)
XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Thilo_Pfennig -
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tpfennig

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