I think this is a problem that will have to be solved with all the distros
in a room. Unless we come up with a solution that is so elegant end-users
just use it.

Saying we shouldn't do an installer because each distro is different, is
ignoring a user problem. apt-get and yum are beyond the average user that I
think we are trying to target ... (If we ever want more than 10% market
share, we can't count apt-get and yum as solutions. We also can't live in a
world where you have to use multiple installers. Last time I installed
something on Ubuntu, I used their installer and then got sent to synaptic.)


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Brian Cameron <brian.came...@sun.com>wrote:

> Dave:
> I am against any Linux ISD (including ourselves) trying to provide a
>> one-size-fits-all installer, until a packaging system that allows that comes
>> along. I have high hopes for PackageKit, but in the meantime, your goal
>> should not be to give people installers, but to document installing it on
>> the most popular distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, Fedora, SuSe) with
>> generic "apt-get" or "yum" instructions. Each distribution has a
>> distribution specific installer, that is what we should be targeting.
> I have to say that I agree with you.  I know, for example, that Sun
> Microsystems patches the upstream code in numerous ways to make the code
> work on Solaris/OpenSolaris.  We work hard to get our patches upstream,
> but there is usually a lag time and some modules are not well maintained
> (we have patches in bugzilla for modules like libgnome and gnome-vfs
> that have sat idle for years).
> Providing an installer that provides builds that are not provided by
> distro are bound to not have such needed patches and modifications, be
> hard to support, and will likely not work well or as users expect.
> Perhaps, instead of providing an installer, we could just point users
> towards the correct resources to get the latest code from their distro
> directly?  Or perhaps we could write a wrapper script that provides a
> common interface for the various distro update systems?
> Brian
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