On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 6:59 AM, Paul Cutler <pcut...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Some of the groupings that jump out at me:
> * GNOME 3.0 promotion
> * GNOME 3.0 video creation /promotion
> * Fundraising (Friends of GNOME, GNOME Store, Mobile giving) (Jaap has
> done a great job helping Stormy with the Friends of GNOME program from
> helping analyze the data to updating the site)
> * User Analysis (stolen from John Williams email last month)
> * GNOME Website (Darton is doing an awesome job revamping content for
> the new website)
> * GNOME Materials (Conference presentations, brochures, etc)
> I will help out where ever I can but will probably most actively help in
fundraising, GNOME materials and GNOME 3.0 promotion.

I can help lots and I can mentor if appropriate, if someone wants to try a
leadership role.

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