On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Allan Day <allanp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <s...@ramkrishna.me>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Andre Klapper <ak...@gmx.net> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> I was thinking of switching from Docbook to Mallard for 3.6 (I didn't
> >> have time to prepare this for 3.4 already).
> >> The advantages of "GNOME 3 page style" are unclear to me currently,
> Advantages of moving over to using Wordpress for the release notes
> (that I can think of):
My main objection would be translation.  One of the problems is that I
would like to see our content/news/release notes translated so that we can
have greater coverage.  I feel that english makes us somewhat limited.

At least, let's agree that if we do it on wordpress that we have it in
English and Spanish.


>  1. The notes will be on gnome.org rather than under
> library.gnome.org/misc (why are the notes for our new release in a
> 'library'? why are they 'miscellaneous'?)
>  2. Avoid the bookishness of the format (sub-headings everywhere,
> boxes of links interrupting the flow of the document), which is rather
> stilted.
>  3. Allow embedding of richer media, such as lightboxes, image
> galleries and videos.
>  4. Allow flexible design, facilitating a more stylish and attractive
> layout.
>  5. Allow division of the notes into separate pages, rather than being
> a single *huge* page.
> >> however I would first have to know what markup language this move would
> >> imply,
> Wordpress reduces the need for markup. The only markup you need is
> html for formatting and embedding media, plus for bits of fancier page
> layout.
> >> plus if anybody would be actually willing to prepare this move.
> Actually writing the notes and doing the markup would be less work
> than with Docbook or Mallard, so in that respect we'd save time and
> effort. However, we would need a bit of extra help on the web
> development side if we wanted to make the notes look really nice.
> > I'm interested in this as well.  As Shaun noted about translations I
> would
> > like to see this translated in as many languages as possible.
> >
> > We'll need to start on this soon.
> Most of the pieces are in place to make gnome.org translatable using
> the standard GNOME infrastructure. We just need to hook it up to damn
> lies [1]. I've spoken to Vinicius and he's confident that we can have
> it ready in time to get the release notes translated.
> Allan
> [1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671647
> --
> IRC:  aday on irc.gnome.org
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