Here comes another rough draft (around noon today I sent a reply only to
Allan's mail address... note to myself, learn how reply to a mailist).

The GNOME project accepted as an participant organization in Google Summer
of Code 2012 (headline)
For the 7th year the GNOME project will participate in the Google Summer of
Code (GSoC)
program. Google Summer of Code is an opportunity for post-secondary students
to contribute code to open source projects during summer vacation and get
paid for
successful contributions. This year edition of Google Summer of Code is
between May 21 - August 24 , the deadline for submissions is April 6.

The GNOME project offer students several interesting projects to work on,
a list with suggestions is available at
It is also possible to submit your own idea.

[a quote from a member of the GNOME foundation that say something about
GSoC as a great way to
get involved in the GNOME project/open source]

For more information about requirements and how to apply please

This draft is very minimal maybe it can be extended in some way.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Allan Day <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I thought I'd throw this out there, in case anyone is interested in doing
> it.
> GNOME has recently been accepted for the upcoming Google Summer of
> Code. It'd be great to have a short news post for about it.
> It can be very minimal - what GSoC is, what we'll be doing, when it'll
> be running, how people can apply.
> Get in touch if you want to help; I'm happy to act as editor.
> Allan
> --
> marketing-list mailing list

-Mvh Oliver Propst
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