On Sun, 2012-05-06 at 23:17 +0200, Tobias Mueller wrote:
> Andreas provided a mockup here:
> https://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests/rollup-display-ad
> I'd like to receive comments on that. Ideally, until next week or so,
> so
> that we might even be able to get the thing for LinuxTag. 

This is a nice layout.  However, can be problematic depending on the way
your booth is set up.  If the banner is set up in the back of the booth,
people are less likely to see the critical information at the bottom
"www.gnome.org."   Less of a problem if you place this vertical banner
at the front of the booth (although high potential for people knocking
it over.)

My suggestion is to come up with a horizontal-designed banner rather
than a vertical one.

Of course, proper selection is greatly impacted by the actual venue


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