Hello Karen,

I think I used bad English before, by exclusively I meant that we gonna
write only for GNOME, - and things related to it - not that we want
exclusive rights on GNOME or anything  :)
We just want to make a playground for GNOME, with design ideas, news and
opinions from MLs, GNOME's devs blogs, make some voting etc.. I will also
mention on our terms that we are not related to GNOME foundation in any
way, it is just a fan page :)

About wog term I remember what you said so I didn't use it, I renamed it to
wogue. However you can't pay attention to anything that it might bother
someone, I hate traffic,
but I can live with it.. you know what I mean :)

Well the theme doesn't looks like GNOME, but that's called diversity :)  By
the way our "logo" isn't actually a logo, is just a free font, and we don't
copyright it.
"Another blog GNOME blog" is the site description and no part of our name,
I know I use the word GNOME, but what else we can write there? Is just a
blog for GNOME :)

If there are any issues however, feel free to tell us to change it.
Absolutely no problems :)

- alex

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Karen Sandler <ka...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hi Alex!
> On 2012-05-21 16:27, alex diavatis wrote:
>> Well, we haven't managed to complete what we wanted, so we will start
>> with a blog, because we have to start at some point :)
>> We want an exclusively GNOME blog, to have all gnome news in one
>> place, and also we want to present some art and apps.
>> Moreover we want to have people to talk about the present and the
>> future of gnome, this is particularly you,
>> the gnome developers :)
>> I want to ask you if you have any issue with the domain
>> http://worldofgnome.org [1]
>> and if you have, it's ok, we got also wogue.org [2] and we can
>> change our domain name.
> As I wrote to you at the end of last year, you should be aware that the
> term "wog" in a few English speaking cultures (though not in the United
> States to my knowledge) is a derogatory term. Because of this you may want
> to rethink your website name rather than inadvertently offend anyone.
> Also, don't forget to stay within the confines of GNOME's trademark
> policy: 
> https://live.gnome.org/**Foundation/LicensingGuidelines<https://live.gnome.org/Foundation/LicensingGuidelines>and
>  ask us for permission to do anything outside of it. I see that now in
> the template, for example, it's unclear what kind of connection your
> website might have to the official GNOME Foundation and project.  I think
> you'll need to be particularly careful and clear, since you hope to use the
> name GNOME (our registered mark) in the title of at least one of your URLs.
> karen
>> Our plan is to move this blog @ wogue.org [3] and build a cool maps
>> app for gnome in worldofgnome.org [4]
>> Current blog is totally unfinished,  but we had to open it for debug
>> some services that are registered on domain.
>> We are going to release it on 29 same day as Fedora -except if there
>> is another delay :)
>> That's all :)
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1] http://worldofgnome.org
>> [2] http://wogue.org
>> [3] http://wogue.org
>> [4] http://worldofgnome.org
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