Karen Sandler <ka...@gnome.org> wrote:
> As many of you know from GUADEC, GNOME's 15th anniversary is coming up
> very soon - on August 15! Some of us were talking about putting up a
> website, and after Andreas' suggestion at GUADEC I went ahead and
> registered
> HappyBirthdayGNOME.com and HappyBirthdayGNOME.org
> What should we have on the site?

This is a fantastic idea - thanks for making it happen!

A few ideas:
 * Leave a birthday message (probably too much work, and would require
moderation, but would be nice)
 * Some stats which summarise our accomplishments - number of commits,
committers, bugs fixed, releases, companies involved, number of
GUADECs, Foundation members, etc
 * A super short history - "In 1997 two university students set out to
create a Free Software desktop..."

I think it is important that the site is forward looking also. "Here's
to another 15 years" carries a good message.

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