Good day all,

I had a brief exchange with Alexandre of Cinnarch today - if you did not
see my little note on IRC, they are moving to GNOME and
seeking a new name.

I thought since a few GNOME users are using Arch that it might be
interesting if this became "GNOME OS".

Obviously I do not speak for GNOME (as I said in my email to Alexandre) but
I thought I would throw the idea out there and see what people think.

So, any thoughts? Yes, no, crazy...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexandre Filgueira <>
Date: Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: Good day - re: new direction for Cinnarch
To: Brett Legree <>

Hi Brett

Well, becoming "the" GNOME OS would be fun, and I think, like you said,
that using Arch as basis, it's the best option to GNOME to show the vanilla
packages and the most up to date software.

I'm ok with discussing this with gnome, if the answer is no we can always
keep our usual work.

I didn't contact the project and I don't know who to talk, so if you could
help me present the idea would be great.

Thanks for contacting me


2013/4/12 Brett Legree <>

> Hello,
> I am contacting you regarding the post on your new direction
> I am part of the GNOME Marketing Team, and thought I would put in my own
> thoughts.
> Quite a few GNOME users I know are using Arch due to the nature of the
> distro (rolling release, speed, pure packages, rapid updates to new
> software versions) and we talk from time to time about the concept of
> Perhaps Cinnarch could become "the" GNOME OS.
> Now, I don't speak for GNOME, but I wonder if you contacted the project
> formally (I could find out who to ask) and made the suggestion whether it
> would be considered.
> Perhaps this would give you massive support and publicity if it came to
> pass.
> Thanks, let me know what you think, and if you need a hand I am willing to
> help.
> Brett Legree
marketing-list mailing list

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