David Nelson schrieb:
Hi, :-)

Just a few questions, after having read Bernhard's reply in a separate thread:

1) Could one see a precise and comprehensive list of all the graphics
needed at the present time?

We should start collecting them at the wiki.

There are central graphics (logo, mimetype and document icons as well as product graphics like splash screen, start center and about box) and derived graphics like web buttons and banners, CD/DVD covers, posters and stands, presentation templates and official documents/business cards as well as merchandising like t-shirts, pins, stickers and so on.

The website/wiki/forum etc. should be consistent with the new graphics too...

2) What set of standard tools do you want to work with? (Gimp and
Inkscape? Anything else?)

I'd like to see Draw too, but for more sophisticated work with gradients and transparency it didn't work very well, when I last tried it. Anti-aliasing works now - this was the most important concern in the past.

So I'd stick with Inkscape for vector and Gimp for raster images.
If an artist creates his/her artwork with different tool, it should be their duty to try the export/import with one of them.

3) I saw your first drafts on the wiki [1]. Are your source files
downloadable anywhere?

Not yet, but I can provide mine.

4) Do you plan to keep source files in a revision control repository
of some kind?

The wiki provides such a repository - I'd use it if nothing speaks against it.

5) Do you have any kind of team workflow established, described
somewhere so that an outsider can get into your rhythm easily?

Not now - we are just at the beginning, but have some knowledge from the OOo art and branding team.

It's mainly:
- uploading to the wiki
- proposing it to the list
- discussion about possible improvements
- revision/optimization
- reiteration if necessary
- approval by the list, if necessary (different principle opinions) higher instance (not yet defined - latest: Steering Committee)

6) Have you got any schedule figured out, with some completion deadlines?


It would be great to have a different iconset (mimetype and documents) in the final version of LibO 3.3.0, but this will not be possible in the short timeframe.

7) Have you got a list of artwork team members, so that an outsider
can know exactly who he/she is collaborating with?

Not now, but we should have one - ASAP ;-)

8) Is there a restricted panel of decision takers about

I would like to avoid such a panel, but for quality and consistency reasons we would need to create such a board, I think.

It should consist of a handful of artists, designers, UX experts and community aware people, proposed by the team (by vote?) and established by the Steering Committee (led by the voting, but not depending on it).

I guess that someone willing to work with the team would probably want
to establish these things with clarity beforehand...

I add the other questions from your last mail here:

9) Do you have any standards/guidelines established that you want
contributors to adhere to, apart from [1], [2] and [3]? Or are you
open to completely different ideas?

We will have guidelines, but they still need to be defined.
Working on our visual goals and identity, it would probably be interesting for artists/designers to join our team at this early stage.

The wiki pages you mentioned are not final yet, so I'd advise them to come to this list and discuss our and their ideas before they start working.

It causes frustration if their work can't be considered as useful, just because they missed some preconditions, aimed at a different target group or misunderstood what we want to achieve with our new and consistent branding.

10) What license do you require for offered material? GPL? LGPLv2?

For inclusion in the program LGPLv3+ would be appropriate, other material (as it would be uploaded to the wiki) should be licensed under CC-by-sa-3.0.

I'd propose to use both of them - but there might be restrictions to the logo (I'd rather see it unchanged except of scaling).

Best regards


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