Le 2010-11-02 14:24, drew a écrit :

Hi Marc,

Great idea - not sure we need a team, per se, but a place to collect
these would be of great help, IMO.

I would be bold enough to turn this email around and challenge you to
help lead this by putting together a short presentation on LibreOffice /
ODF / FOSS as if you where to deliver this to a small group, say at a
lunch time presentation to the IT team of a small public school system
in CA, as this I believe is your personal perspective. To be clear I'm
not speaking of a template specifically, rather it is the content, write
a 15 minute presentation.

Hi Drew:

I have done such live presentations but not with a specifically designed presentations for IT groups. From the years of my committee work and advocating OOo and now LibO I can tell you one thing for sure, if there is no LibO IT support for Migration from MSO to LibO as well as LibO networking support you will not get IT interested. We can present all we want, we can convince teacher, staff all we want, but IT, who holds all of the connectivity cards, will not agree to a LibO installation until LibO has a solid LibO network support option as well a clear MSO migration support option for the Office/Admin.

They feel even more at ease if this support is a paid support. I imagine that this is most likely the same for large business organisations. School boards are considered equal to larger organisations. My school board teaches approximately 100,000 students and has over 10,000 cmputers. And we are not considered a large school board. We are pretty well considered a medium size school board.

This is why I was so interested in the different support levels (1,2,3,4) when they were mentioned. If we are to have an impact in schools, then we have to address this need for support either at our OSS level, where we could develop an opensource support ticket system or until we find a "for-profit" support ticket system. This would definitely "clinch" the sale of LibO to school organisations.

Selling the product to teachers and parents is, in my opinion, still important as we are going about it the grass roots way. Once the students clamour for ODF support from the MSO installations in schools, as well as parents, then scool board will have a close look at migrations. But, again, without support, IT will look at MSO import filters instead of migrating.


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