On Wed, 2010-11-17 at 08:20 -0500, John Baer wrote:

> This thread has a-lot of good information but - isn't the task at hand to
> encourage folks to post "logo" submissions for this product?

Only if you want aimless (when seen as a whole) logo proposals and no
good way to evaluate them.

Otherwise there needs to be a briefing for the logo, which depends on
the mission statement and strategy/message.

That said, it isn't necessary to refine the mission statement down to
punctuation, before we can specify desired characteristics.

To speak to those responsible at organizations (companies, NGOs,
government agencies  ...), I think there has to be a sense of
reliability, precision, performance. They want support solutions and be
sure that the project is still there in a decade or more. This asks for
some weight, an impression of scale.

However, the Freedom/Libre aspect suggest lightness and bright colors.

It’s an open project, welcoming contributors. This often leads to bullet
points like "friendly" and "inviting". We may want to look for wide,
open and round shapes and vibrant, but not agressive color.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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